Routine hinders your creativity!

Jay Shrimali
1 min readMay 25, 2021
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

“Follow a routine” is present in every person’s statement who is giving a piece of life advice. However, I tend to disagree with it. Intaking knowledge and generating an output with that knowledge are two different sets of work. Learning something every day about a specific field that you want to do great in is a good and healthy habit. However, producing something every day with that knowledge can hinder your creativity.

The creative process needs time and a good mental space. Quentin Tarantino, in his career of more than three decades, has only directed ten films. However, Warren Buffet reads six newspaper every day, but he is intaking the knowledge.

Developing a routine for a creative field not only hampers the creativity but also puts an added unceasing pressure of putting thoughts to the paper every day. I’ve been writing a blog for the past twelve days, and all I can see is my quality degrading with constant pressure on my mind.

(P.S -Twelve days is an extremely short duration. Also, currently, I am not quite experienced in the field)

